By Admin

The Association's mission is to promote, support, protect, represent and integrate the private sector, especially its partners in securing and managing health benefit plans as legitimate and essential for the development of the Colombian’s health system. In developing the mission seeks to improve health indicators, protection member families face the consequences generated by the disease, under the conditions defined by law within the Social Security System in Health, and always be careful to the expectations of users, health professionals, and supplier’s sector institutions, in terms of fairness and respect.

The organization has an interdisciplinary team, which allows permanent analysis on the general system of social health insurance, from a medical perspective, economic, statistical and legal. Thus, there are a series of documents and publications that serve as tools for union members and in general to all entities and persons involved in the health sector.

In that line, Acemi has communication tools like Conexxion MAGAZINE; free quarterly circulation publication, a space of thought and technical discussion of all aspects of the health sector, especially those that refer to the overall security system health social, Conexxion DIGITAL; a monthly newsletter that reaches your target audiences with information relevant to the sector, “CARTILLAS, SECRETOS SALUDABLES”; brochures issued by the medical department to increase public awareness about the importance of healthy living , giving them advice on physical activity and a healthy diet, they are available in Spanish on the web www.acemi, org, co, for reading and printing capability, “CAPSULITAS SALUDABLES”; circulation newsletter via email every month with tips health, and other publications that allow users to not only bring the health system, but to himself, to care for and protect your body physically and emotionally. It highlights the effort that has been done to support the work of its members in the areas of health promotion and disease prevention, highlighting the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and good nutrition.

Through the years Acemi, has become a think tank for the health sector and a leader in health policy for the benefit of the Colombian population. Thus, not only through his publications but also academic activities such as forums and conferences, and generally with union work that develops against the Government, Congress and other sectors, arrives and participant in policy making and analysis health sector, all stakeholders involved in doing increasingly optimal.

As a result of that commitment Acemi academic medical edited several publications among which are: Two decades of Social Security System in Health: Development, crises and solutions, Contributions to the improvement of public health management in Colombia, Memories 1 : Bringing health to the people: strategies to facilitate access to quality health services, Memories 2: Health insurance: mandatory and voluntary plans, among others.

The union brings together eleven Colombian EPS country's tax regime and seven companies that offer voluntary health plans, which represent market contributory regime about 70% of the total population affiliated and 92% of the population with coverage additional or complementary health (prepaid medical and supplemental plans). They are part of the following entities Acemi Aliansalud, Cafesalud, Colsanitas, CompensaR, Coomeva, Cruzblanca, Famisanar, Sanitas, Sura, Nueva EPS, Salud Total y Servicio Occidental de Salud S.O.S
