Rainforest honey: The future of wound healing?

Written by: Julie Lamble, Nutritional Bio Chemist & Marketing Manager, Lifeplan
Hydrogen peroxide has long been known as the most anti-microbial agent, capable of killing bacteria, fungi and viruses. Even the Institutes of Health in the US have stated that if they can find a way of delivering hydrogen peroxide into wounds that are difficult to heal, it would be a major advancement in the field of wound care. Currently, hydrogen peroxide dressings used in hospitals cannot release this anti-microbial agent slowly over a long period and are too strong, which damages tissue and prevents many wounds from healing.
For this reason a team of scientists in Dublin, led by Dr John Brennan decided to investigate whether a natural product would be capable of producing a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide over a slow and sustained period which would be suitable as a topical and internal aid.
They chose honey, one of the oldest medicines known, which has been used since biblical times for its healing properties. Honey is naturally anti-microbial, since it naturally draws water out of wounds, has a high viscosity and a low pH, which are all unfavourable to bacteria.
Honey also contains an enzyme – glucose oxidase – which in the presence of moisture produces hydrogen peroxide. However, during harvesting the enzyme content of the honey degrades, meaning that very little hydrogen peroxide can be produced from the final product. Dr Brennan and his team at The Institute of Technology took 10 years to unlock the secret behind why this enzyme was being lost and they found a way of preserving it so that it was capable of producing hydrogen peroxide in their honey.
The unique technique that they used involved no chemicals and is a patented process used on the Active Honey Company’s Rainforest and Antiseptic honeys.
These honeys are capable of releasing hydrogen peroxide slowly over a sustained period of 48 hours and are much more effective than their rival Manuka honey which exerts antibacterial activity for only up to 24 hours. A study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2010 journal also found that the treated honey had a much better anti-bacterial action against the super-bug MRSA, as well as E.Coli and Pseudomonas aerugionsa than the strongest Manuka honey available.
Studies have also suggested that the treated honey is anti-fungal treating a variety of chronic yeast infections, such as fungal nail, athlete’s foot and other skin infections. As well as a good skin aid, the product has been found to be beneficial when taken internally too, for coughs, colds, mouth ulcers and stomach infections.
About Rainforest honey:
Rainforest honey comes in 10+, 20+, 30+ and 40+ anti-microbial strengths and can be taken off the spoon or added to cold drinks and food.
Antiseptic Honey 20+ is a sterile topical product which can be used on a variety of skin conditions.
ACTIVE RAINFOREST HONEY is available from leading health food stores including Holland & Barrett, Boots, Harrods as well as Morrison’s Pharmacy and can be purchased online directly from www.activehoneycompany.co.uk
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