Study says women taking hormone replacement therapy may cut risk of heart issues

A study states that women who take hormone replacement therapy may cut their risk of heart issues. But, the experts are still careful about the long-term safety risks.
The study also state that HRT is not associated with an increased risk of cancer or stroke but the past studies have shown a link. The researchers also traced 1,000 women of more than 10 years and half of them were on HRT.
Talking about their findings, the paper’s authors stated, “HRT had significantly reduced the risk of mortality, heart failure or heart attack, without any apparent increase of cancer, deep vein thrombosis or stroke.” They also said that, “Due to potential time lag, longer time may be necessary to take more definite conclusions.”
In the study, the women in the age group of 45-58 years old and recently menopausal – those on treatment started it soon after the menopausal symptoms started.
Hormone replacement therapy replaces female hormones that no longer produced during the menopause and can help with insomnia, hot flushes, irritability and headaches.
Post 10 years, 33 women in the group that had not taken hormone replacement therapy had died or suffered from heart failure or a heart attack, compared with just 16 women who were taking the treatment.
Furthermore, 36 women in the HRT group were treated for cancer compared to 39 who had not taken HRT . Out of these, 17 cases were of breast cancer compared to 10 in the HRT group. They also found that after stopping the therapy, women continued to see health benefits for six years.
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine said, “This is a very significant piece of research and should reassure the millions of women who turn to hormone therapy for relief of their menopausal symptoms.”