5th Annual World Health Care Congress Hosted by BettrLife: mHealth's Impact on Patient Wellness and the Healthcare Industry

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Written by Alyssa Clark 5th Annual World Health Care Congress Hosted by BettrLife: mHealths Impact on Patient Wellness and the Healthcare Industry Comi...

Written by Alyssa Clark

5th Annual World Health Care Congress Hosted by BettrLife: mHealth’s Impact on Patient Wellness and the Healthcare Industry

Coming up this week on Thursday, July 25th is the world renowned and 5th Annual mHealth World Congress, set to be held in Boston, Massachusetts. The Health and Wellness technology company BettrLife will host the event, featuring a panel of esteemed healthcare industry experts who will be discussing a range of topics from mHealth to current industry trends.

Leading the program this week will be Don Schoen, BettrLife CEO, as he discusses the recent impact of medical industry technology and mHealth on patient wellness and user engagement. With the constant evolution of patient needs, resources and opportunities, the medical field is calling to action an established panel to shed some light on the current issues darkening the lives of many of today’s healthcare patients. Simply from recent studies showing the impact of mHealth on the industry alone call for a redirected focus to what we can do as industry professionals to better deliver to our customers.

A survey by Research2guidance recently revealed that the mHealth market will reach $26 billion by 2017; with this kind of budgeting for mHealth markets, the sky is the limit for healthcare leaders to better accommodate and serve their patients as resources become more and more available through technology and mobile health services.

Innovation, using technology and adapting to change are all core traits to be discussed this year, and there stands to be no one better than BettrLife to host this year’s event, seeing as how they embody and pride themselves on every principle that the panel is set to discuss this year. Similar to the meeting of industry professionals and the world health congress, BettrLife brings patients and their health professionals through web portals and personalized engagement. BettrLife will not only be hosting the event, but will be actively involved in the conference as an exhibitor as well.

“BettrLife is part a transformation from reactive, to proactive management of personal health and wellness using mobile technology,” said Schoen. “We are excited to help facilitate a discussion among stakeholders in this emerging space.”

The panel for the 5th Annual World Health Congress will consist of: Travis Good (Co-founder of Catalyze.io), Rajni Aneja (Strategic Executive, Clinical Transformation Leader, Humana), Nebeyou Abebe (Associate Director, Louisiana Public Health Institute) and Lynne A. Dunbrack (Program Director, IDC health insights). Hosted by Don Schoen as stated before, this group of respected industry professionals will provide insight onto the future of the healthcare field, while discussing the pros and cons of technological industry developments.


About the Author 

Alyssa Clark is the Editor of Healthcare Global


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