NeuroPace shocks Epilepsy with a groundbreaking technological advancement

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How can this development affect the market for companies invested in epilepsy solutions? Are these solutions just costly or worth the cost? For those w...

How can this development affect the market for companies invested in epilepsy solutions? Are these solutions just costly or worth the cost?

For those working within developing new technologies and solutions for Epilepsy, the proof is in the pudding that any solution for this crippling disorder comes at a price— the question is how high will that price need to be?

The Epilepsy Foundations and others within the industry have been stumped as to how there can be a provision of services in an affordable and effective way for those who are forced with the daily struggles of Epilepsy. The main question affecting those within the healthcare industry who have invested or who are looking to invest in up-and-coming healthcare technologies in the epileptic-arena is what price range will effective solutions fall into? How feasible is that for the everyday person? Is this technology worth the price we will have to pay for it?

Those at companies like NeuroPace are diligently working to persuade the public that this investment in epileptic technology is not only worth the cost, but the cost should be the least of our concerns. It’s easy enough to say that paying now and benefitting later is an easy financial model to follow even considering a $35,000 to $40,000 payment, but how practical is that really for people?

“The RNS System is a novel, implantable therapeutic device that delivers responsive neurostimulation, an advanced technology designed to detect abnormal electrical activity in the brain and respond by delivering imperceptible levels of electrical stimulation to normalize brain activity before an individual experiences seizures”, says the PR rep for NeuroPace.

It has been reported that NeuroPace, Inc. has announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has granted premarket approval for the NeuroPace® RNS® System, a treatment for adults with partial onset seizures that have not been controlled with two or more antiepileptic drugs.

"We believe the RNS System has the potential to provide substantial improvement in quality of life to hundreds of thousands of people diagnosed with epilepsy in the U.S. who are unable to achieve seizure control with medications," said Frank Fischer, NeuroPace CEO. "We anticipate that physicians will be able to make this breakthrough therapy available to eligible patients in the very near future."



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