Opternative introduces voice-activated digital eye exams for smartphones

The Chicago-based online eye examination firm, Opternative, has announced the launch of a voice-activated eye exam for smartphones.
Prior to the launch of the latest exam, the firm’s initial test required the use of both a computer and smartphone.
“To build upon our vision of making eye care available to anyone, anywhere, anytime, we built the first web-based, conversational test that can be taken solely on a mobile browser,” stated Ayo Jimoh, Chief Technology Officer of Opternative.
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“The technology helps elevate and increase access to vision care for patients across the globe.”
Google, IBM Watson, and Microsoft designed the voice recognition software used in the test, which allows users to renew prescriptions from their device despite any changes in the prescription.
The voice-recognition technology allows users to complete the eye test in under 15 minutes through its ability to easily and efficiently understand the patient’s voice.