Probiotics industry booming due to increased product awareness

Written by Jerry T.P.
If you are like most people, when you hear the word “bacteria” it conjures up all sorts of unpleasant images—bugs, illness, infection… basically nothing good, right? But did you know there are different types of bacteria, and some of them are actually good for us? Here’s another fact that might surprise you: your digestive tract is home to about 100 trillion bacteria cells. That’s ten times the number of cells that make up your entire body! But before you start to worry, let’s clarify.
There are three different types of bacteria: beneficial, neutral, and harmful. The majority of bacteria in a healthy digestive tract are the beneficial or “good” bacteria (also known as probiotics), along with neutral bacteria. However, our internal probiotic stores can be depleted due to stress, aging, antibiotic treatment, use of acid-suppressing medications, hormonal imbalance, poor diet and other factors. And when our good bacteria are depleted, the result is a condition calleddysbiosis: an imbalance in the ratio of good to bad bacteria.
How Do Probiotics Work in the Body?
The word probiotic actually means “for life” (in contrast to the word antibiotic, which means “against life”), and research has shown that these good bacteria support digestive and immune health in the following ways:*
They produce substances that help keep the levels of good bacteria in balance.*
They support immune health by helping to protect the intestinal lining, an important protective surface the size of a tennis court!*
They support immune health by communicating with the immune system to let it know how to appropriately respond to the contents passing through the digestive tract.*
They support vaginal and urinary health in women, promoting balance in these environments in a similar way as in the digestive tract.*
Growing Awareness Boosts Demand for Probiotics
Today, many healthcare practitioners recommend adding more probiotic foods to our diet or taking a daily probiotic supplement to help restore digestive balance and promote overall digestive health.* And, as awareness grows about the benefits of probiotics, the global probiotics market is seeing a significant boost in sales.
Market research provider Reportstack recently released their Global Probiotics Products Market 2014-2018 report, in which analysts predicted the sales of probiotic products will see a 7.23 percent growth rate over the next five years. Research and development activity in the probiotics market has also notably increased, though some experts believe sales may be affected as government regulatory procedures are updated to address the growing demand.
In a similar report released by Transparency Market Research, analysts predicted continued growth in the human probiotics market both nationally and on a global scale. According to a recent press release:
Probiotic foods & beverages are the dominant segments the global market and are expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2013 to 2018. Probiotic demand for food & beverage segment is estimated to reach USD 37.9 billion in 2018. Following food and beverages, the market for dietary supplements and animal feed are also witnessing significant growth.[i]
Arla Foods, Attune Foods, Cargill, China-Biotics Inc., Danisco, Danone, Lallemand, General Mills Inc. Nestlé and Nutraceutix are among the larger companies currently producing probiotic products globally—including food products (such as yogurt) as well as dietary supplements.
Every day, scientists across the globe are learning more about probiotics and their role in better health and digestion.* Reap the benefits of these good bacteria by taking a probiotic supplement that supports your digestive and immune health.* ReNew Life probiotic supplements, including the entire line of Ultimate Flora probiotics, can help you take the first step.
*This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
†Formulated to provide full potency, live cultures per capsule at time of consumption, if prior to expiration, under recommended storage conditions. Storage and handling conditions may affect the total amount of cultures delivered at time of consumption.
Author Bio: ReNew Life is the leading probiotics company and the leading cleansing and detoxification company. It has received numerous awards for its high potency probiotic supplements and its herbal cleanses. Its category leading probiotic supplements are the Ultimate Flora line of probiotics. ReNew Life has also pioneered high concentration omega-3 fish oils with the Norwegian Gold line. ReNew Life was established in 1997 by Brenda Watson and her husband Stan. Brenda has become one of the nation's leading authorities on natural digestive health, detoxification and internal cleansing. She has helped millions of people live longer, healthier lives through improved digestion—by educating them via public television, books, TV and radio appearances, regular articles and seminars, and more.
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