Symbility Health Produces Mobile Health Claims Application for Smart Devices

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Written by Alyssa Clark Symbility Health Produces Mobile Health Claims Application for Smart Devices With the recent all time high of Medicare, insuran...

Written by Alyssa Clark

Symbility Health Produces Mobile Health Claims Application for Smart Devices

With the recent all time high of Medicare, insurance and other types of healthcare industry affiliated fraud, how safe do you feel? Symbility Health asked themselves this same question and it resulted in the creation of a new mHealth app: a claims application that can front-end audit in order to ensure protection from potential fraudulent activity for the everyday customer.  

As the industry tries to buckle down amiss the fraudulent storm sweeping through the healthcare industry, Symbility looks to better accommodate patients to ensure their security and their respective financial positions. A division of Symbility Solutions Inc., Symbility Health unleashed the first-ever health claims mobile app in hopes of improving the adjudication process throughout the industry. As a cloud-based smartphone and tablet ready claims app, user access and a more efficient workflow are the two goals sure to be met by this latest mHealth adaptation and it’s as easy as the click of a button.

Both Apple and Android savvy, and free to download from either Apple’s iTunes Store or the Google Play marketplace, this application is set to accommodate a wide variety of smartphones and effortlessly integrate into the already in place adjudication system to allow for real-time claims processing. Not to rely too heavily on technology, Symbility Health is ensuring extra caution to app-users by making sure that high-risk claims are reviewed both electronically and by hand. Symbility Health understands that sometimes the old fashioned way can be soothing to some customer’s strict tendencies concerning financial matters, and this second step in the process is built in to reassure those worrisome consumers.

Being user-friendly and cost-effective are not the only positives of using Symbility’s application, it also acts on your behalf as your own personal financial adviser to caution against the overly-complicated world of insurance. Providing a way to virtually audit takes away the aches and pains of traditional auditing techniques, and better suits the customer’s daily life. The ability to personalize and take the application with you everywhere you go, helps patients feel better about their chances of remaining “fraud free”—  and that surely is the way the customer wants to be.

"I am very excited to launch this groundbreaking product that will simplify the adjudication process for our stakeholders and their customers by ensuring that all claims are electronically audited," commented Richard Adair, President and COO, Symbility Solutions. "The best-of-breed nature of our Mobile Claims application will take online claims submission to the next level. Symbility Health designed an easy-to-use app with a proprietary front-end audit functionality that will transform the health claims cycle by offering convenience, efficiency and, above all, time-saving capabilities."

Other added benefits of the application are: easy integration with existing auditing platforms, patent-pending front-end audit capabilities (ensuring that high risk claims are viewed by hand), ability to complement existing consumer mobile apps used by existing members and access through both Apple and Android servers. With all of these added bonuses, it looks like this application will have its work cut out for it as ever-changing technology continues to push more and more business its way.

About the Author

Alyssa Clark is the Editor of Healthcare Global


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