Do not be fooled by Acai Berry scams

Written by: James Harper
Unfortunately the reputation of the Acai Berry has been marred in recent years by a series of scams which have been produced by unscrupulous individuals at the expense of the consumer. It is important however, that consumers are aware that they can have full confidence in the Acai Berry itself and the benefits that it claims. Nevertheless, it is essential that consumers are well informed prior to making any purchase to avoid being fooled by any of the scams that have been created in recent years.
Acai Berry scams have taken on various guises over the years but all of the scams have common threads which the consumer can look out for. Firstly, consumers should be extremely cautious of retailers who offer a free trial period of the Acai Berry. Many scams use this approach in order to entice consumers into a small print contract which demands regular payments at the close of the free trial period. When consumers attempt to contact the retailer they find that they are unable to due to bogus contact details being supplied. On other occasions a free trial period is advertised with only shipping to pay. However, the Acai Berry order rarely materialises and again the retailer is no longer contactable.
Common in many Acai Berry scams is the providing of non-existent contact details by the retailer. By checking that the contact details are valid prior to purchase consumers can establish fairly easily whether the retailer is genuine. A genuine retailer will more often than not be more than happy to assist the consumer in establishing whether the retailer is legitimate. If the company cannot be contacted from the outset then the consumer would be very wise to avoid the retailer altogether.
Some consumers have been caught out in the past couple of years by Acai Berry scams that claim to be selling pure Acai Berry when they are in fact supplying Acai Berry extract. The extract is considerably less effective than the pure berry in aiding weight loss and producing the numerous benefits associated with the Acai Berry. Moreover, the extract is likely to contain many artificial additives that are potentially harmful that are not found in the pure berry.
The scams that have been created by illegitimate retailers over the past few years are varied in their approach. However, by following some general guidelines consumers can ensure that they are not fooled by such scams and that they only choose genuine sellers.
This post was written by James Harper on behalf of Which Acai Berry? The independent news and reviews site for everything Acai Berry related.