Eating small bar of chocolate cuts risks of stroke in men

According to a new study, eating a small bar of chocolate every week can considerably lessens the risk of stroke in men. The study conducted on more than 37,000 Swedish men showed that those eating chocolates were least likely to have a stroke.
Other studies have suggested that eating chocolate can definitely improve the health of the heart. The participants of the study were asked about their habits of eating and for a decade their health was monitored.
Based on the amount of chocolate, they were split into four groups, with the bottom group eating, on average, no chocolate each week. Meanwhile, the top group had 63 grams, slightly more than an average bar. Study also found that those eating the most chocolate were 17% less likely to have a stroke.
Prof Susanna Larsson, said, “The beneficial effect of chocolate consumption on stroke may be related to flavonoids in the chocolate.” “Flavonoids appear to be protective against cardiovascular disease through antioxidants, anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory properties,” said Prof Susanna.
The study also stated that milk chocolate was ideal option in Sweden and the dark chocolate has been linked to benefits for the heart in the past.
Dr. Clare Walton, from the Stroke Association, UK said, “Past research has shown that eating dark chocolate might go some way to reduce your stroke risk if it’s eaten as part of a healthy, balanced diet.”
Dr Walton also said, “This study suggests that eating a moderate amount of other types of chocolate could also be beneficial in men.” It is sensible enough to understand that eat chocolates in moderation as it contains high sugar and fat content.
Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of tropical Theobroma cacao tree. It mostly comes in dark, milk, and white varieties with cocoa solids and contributes to brown coloration.