New study finds 78% drop in joint infections

The new study has found a 78% fall in joint infection when AQUACEL® Ag SURGICAL cover dressing was used, the news reports said.
The results of the study were presented at ConvaTec-sponsored webcast on the global impact of deadly wound infections and the need to lessen the risk to patients last week in Washington, DC.
Even though a joint replacement surgery has become a very common place, the incidence of postoperative infection, known as periprosthetic joint infections has disturbed doctors and patients. This has resulted in longer hospital stays and higher costs.
The study also found that the infection rate for total joint replacement patient dipped to 0.4% when AQUACEL® Ag surgical cover dressing was used compared to 1.8% when gauze dressing was used.
The study also said that approximately 600,000 total knee replacement surgeries are done in the U.S. each year for a cost of around $15,000 per procedure. The study also states that the volume of total knee replacements increased over the past 20 years. Also, the number of hospital re-admission rates and infection complications also surged.
These infections post hip and knee surgery can be expensive to the patient, hospital and the payor system. Meanwhile, the rise in expenses related with infections relating to knee or hip surgery can cost $68,000. The post operative hospital stay is lengthened by 7 to 10 days with additional surgeries required.
Peter F. Sharkey, MD, Professor, Orthopaedic Surgery, Jefferson Medical College, Rothman Institute, author of the data said, “Joint infection following knee or hip replacement is one of the most challenging complications we manage, not only increasing healthcare costs, but causing additional trauma and emotional challenges. Aquacel® Ag SURGICAL cover dressing plays an important role in reducing these risks."
Aquacel® Ag SURGICAL covers dressing combine a unique Hydrofiber® Technology with skin friendly hydrocolloid technology. This is supported by evidence that shows major reductions in the incidence of superficial surgical site infection, skin blistering and delayed discharge compared to Mepore dressing covering AQUACEL dressing.