Top 10 Telecom Giants In The mHealth Market

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  Telehealth and mHealth is revolutionising the healthcare industry across the globe with mobile phones playing a pivotal rol...


Telehealth and mHealth is revolutionising the healthcare industry across the globe with mobile phones playing a pivotal role in its uptake. It’s no surprise then that many of the world’s telecom giants are jumping on the telehealth bandwagon and offering their own e-health solutions to customers.

The world’s best mHealth solutions recognise the value of using mobile phones and devices as the basis for innovative. They also offer practical solutions that create a gateway to the cost effective provision of modern healthcare services. Telehealth is transforming the way healthcare is provisioned on a global scale.

Communications are an opportunity to rise to tomorrow's challenges in the healthcare sector: aging populations, increased user demand and budget limitations. The right communications solutions put the patient at the heart of the system by creating a better healthcare system. Telecom providers are increasingly noticing this opportunity and understanding how they can work alongside all players in the healthcare ecosystem to develop technology that will alleviate some of the pressure in the industry.

Healthcare Global takes a look at the top 10 mHealth offerings from the world’s largest telecom corporations >>>

#1. Vodafone

Healthcare providers use Vodafone mHealth Solutions to enhance internal efficiencies and to optimise the delivery of patient care, enabling healthcare professionals to spend more quality time with patients and improving patients' quality of life.

The company is also working with the industry to streamline clinical trials across areas of recruitment, retention, and protocol compliance, improving validity of field-reported data to shorten the time to market for new drugs and devices. Mobility solutions also allow pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers to embrace elements of patient care through monitoring and the delivery of information.

Vodafone mHealth Solutions Comprise Of:

  • Remote Care Services
    • Condition management
    • Hospital to home
    • Assisted living
  • Mobile Flexible Working
    • Field force enablement
    • Mobile medical records
    • Lone worker safety and security
  • Access to Medicine
    • Supply, logistics and safety
    • Training and awareness
    • Disease outbreaks
  • Clinical Research
    • Patient recruitment
    • Compliance and retention
    • Patient reported outcomes
  • Marketing and Engagement
    • Healthcare professional engagement
    • Consumer health marketing
    • Safety, surveillance, post marketing studies


#2. Airtel

Airtel offers its customers access to its mHealth service, Mediphone. Mediphone offers 24x7 medical advice on your mobile phone from anywhere, anytime of the day or night.

The Service Was Created With The Objective Of:

  • Improving access to medical health/advice;
  • Facilitating the most appropriate use of medical/health facilities;
  • Providing health advice anywhere a mobile connection is available at an affordable price.

Mediphone service is manned only by medical professionals (qualified and accredited doctors and nurses) to assess and ensure accuracy in recording and evaluating the clinical symptoms and offering the most appropriate medical advice.

Besides offering medical advice, including self-care, consultations and permissible medication, the service also provides information about nearest emergency facilities in case of customers involving emergency conditions. This includes warm telephone transfers to the nearest ambulance or hospital for mobile callers. Mediphone can also help customers get more information on various health providers like hospitals, doctors, seeking appointment, information on medicines and diseases, etc.

In short, Mediphone is a 24x7 tele-triage service that provides immediate care for Acute Minor Ailments with appropriate advice over the phone.


#3. Telefonica

Telefonica’s O2 Health is helping health organisations find better ways to deliver healthcare. “The patient and the teams that care for them are at the heart of what we do,” says the corporation.

In partnership with providers of care and support services, Telefonica aim to change the way care is delivered for the better. Bringing fresh, innovative and cost effective solutions to the home, to the community and to hospitals.

What Telefonica mHealth Offers:

  • It provides patients more control of their health by giving them a more active role in their own care;
  • It frees up care teams, allowing them to spend more time with patients;
  • It makes organisations more efficient by introducing new ways of working.


#4. Orange

“At Orange, we use our communications expertise to establish a health network.”

Traditional healthcare systems are under constant pressure to do more with fewer means. Orange is opening its doors to new solutions in the field of e-health to help healthcare systems evolve and face new situations head-on. For the last 10 years, the corporation has been equipping hospitals and clinics with software, communication and infrastructure solutions. Today, its offering new solutions for better coordination between all players in the healthcare system.


#5. AT&T

“At AT&T, we believe that technology and smart networks can ultimately create a healthier world.”

AT&T understand the various gaps in healthcare today, and have developed solutions to help address them. AT&T ForHealth solutions can help solve these challenges along the entire continuum of care — from acute care settings to home care settings. AT&T ForHealth was created to accelerate the delivery of innovative wireless, cloud-based and networking services and applications to help the healthcare industry improve patient care and reduce costs.

These innovative solutions are focused on improving collaboration among providers, patients and the whole healthcare team — leading to a more integrated approach to healthcare delivery. The company believes an integrated care model with fewer opportunities for gaps in coordination will help improve outcomes for everyone who touches the healthcare system.

“Whether it's our cloud-based solutions, health information exchange, mHealth or telehealth solutions, we're bridging the gaps in healthcare today,” says the company.

AT&T provides mHealth solutions for hospitals, insurers, pharmaceutical companies, suppliers and providers.


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#6. MTN Group

MTN Group Vice President for Commercial and Innovation, Christian de Faria, said “the potential for mHealth to accelerate the provisioning of affordable and quality health care in poor and developing economies is huge, much like the one for mobile telephony was more than a decade ago.”

He said the mobile and health sectors faced a double whammy of unprecedented challenges: slowing revenue and subscriber growth, and rising healthcare costs.

“We are responding to this challenge by leveraging our respective competencies, such as ICT infrastructure, distribution reach and medical expertise to address social challenges. And as a mobile operator, MTN is seeing opportunities in these challenges, and we are intensifying our innovative efforts in order to make the best of them for the benefit of our customers,” explained de Faria.

He said the penetration of mobile telephony, with half of Africa’s 1 billion population owning a mobile phone, placed MTN in a strong position to play in the rapidly changing healthcare environment and capitalize on emerging mHealth business opportunities, while at the same time alleviating social challenges.

In South Africa, MTN has partnered with Sanlam Health, a division of the financial services provider Sanlam Group, to roll out mHealth services. One of these is MTN Care Connect, which is essentially a 24-hour nurses advisory helpline service that facilitate access to basic healthcare information and medical education.


#7. Etisalat

The Etisalat platform - called Mobile Baby - delivers affordable primary healthcare solutions to even the remotest regions of Africa and it has already demonstrated tangible results to meet Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG5) which seeks to reduce maternal mortality in childbirth by 75 percent and deliver universal access to reproductive health by 2015.

George Held, Group Senior Director Products and Services Etisalat group, said: “We've developed a (mHealth) ecosystem that brings together medical healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and federal and state government to deliver affordable healthcare for all powered by mobile connectivity.”


#8. Saudi Telecom Company

Saudi Telecom Company has joined forces with mHealth Company (mHC) to expand its reach in the healthcare sector by targeting all mobile phone users, from smart phones to regular-basic mobile phones. mHC will be both interactive and rich in content, and will satisfy all users' need in the health arena. It will provide services for patients, physicians, insurance companies and medical institutions.


#9. Turkcell

Turkcell began its mHealth offering by launching a SMS information service for expectant mothers in 2010 and now has some 110,000 customers each receiving around three messages a week. The company is also working on a home monitoring service for diabetes and hypertension sufferers, among other initiatives.

Turkcell is ahead of its peers is in recognizing its true value in the healthcare value chain. Yes, consumers and patients can benefit from remote consultations that save travel expense and stress and help them take a proactive role in their own care. Yes, healthcare providers can potentially make huge savings in the cost of delivery.

However, the wider benefits of m-health will fall outside the doctor-patient relationship. More importantly for sustainable business models, m-health services present a valuable marketing platform for pharma and other medical suppliers seeking to promote their products to targeted audiences.


#10. MegaFon

At the end of 2011, MegaFon created MegaLabs, which is a united center for innovation and the operational launch of additional services. As a wholly owned subsidiary, MegaLabs will help MegaFon to gain leadership in markets that are aligned with an operator. One of the corporations will be m-health.


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