Ireland: Healthcare in the comfort of your home

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Armed with technology, Ireland aims for high-quality health and social services for all both in and out of hospitals

The Health Service Executive has been running all of the Republic of Ireland’s public health services since 2005 and is at the centre of an ecosystem of providers that provide care to citizens.

Martin Curley, director of digital transformation and open innovation at the HSE,

aims to bring the hospital into homes, providing care where patients feel the most comfort. 

The publicly-funded healthcare system believes that providing health monitoring systems for personal use would not only improve health, but also lower costs.

Ireland has a National Healthcare Strategy called Sláintecare, developed by the Department of Health of Ireland in conjunction with HSE, with the aim of building equal access to services for every citizen of Ireland by sorting patients based on their need, instead of their ability to pay.

“Using the internet of things, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, we can make a]real change that hasn't been seen before," says Curley. "We recently created a living lab where you can get a health assessment, a personal electronic health record, and a wellness device which can empower citizens proactively monitor and manage their health.

The technologies incorporated in the labs, according to Curley, are engaging, empowering, and encouraging patients.

"We're now expanding our well-living lab, Health Elevator, to 5,000 people, all for less than the price of a PCR test per person!" 

Now this is walking the walk on ‘Stay Left, Shift Left’.


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