TriMedika: Improving Vital Patient Care Worldwide

Dr Róisín Molloy (TriMedika) and Prof Martin Curley (HSE) discuss how TRITEMP™ thermometer has helped drive the digital innovation agenda in Ireland

Founded in 2016, TriMedika has a vision to develop devices that “really make a difference for patients,” says Dr Róisín Molloy, CEO at TriMedika, who has worked in the medical device industry for over 25 years. Working in the industry, Dr Molloy could see areas where technology wasn’t keeping up with patient need. “We set up TriMedika to provide the most accurate clinical devices for hospitals worldwide, and this is where we see ourselves as being different.”

One particular area that Dr Molloy explains hasn’t seen much development is thermometry. “We identified that thermometry was an area where there has been no development for around 15 years, and yet it is one of the routine diagnostics that we use around the world, so we set about making a non-contact thermometer.”

“We talked to a lot of doctors, nurses and healthcare workers within the HSE, gathering information on what their needs and wants were. The key things that came from that were obviously the savings on cost and time for the healthcare workers at the hospital, but also to manage infections. We were keen to build the future for thermometry, which is the connected space where you will have information sent directly to the patient record. In response, we developed our precision engineered TRITEMP™. We do see ourselves as an expert in the thermometry space, developing the most accurate thermometers for hospital application. TRITEMP™ is used in Ireland throughout the HSE. We plan to develop the connected piece over the next 12 to 18 months.”


TriMedika and its Partnership with the HSE

For the last four years, TriMedika has been selling into the HSE and hospitals in over 20 countries. “We have been working with the HSE team to really understand their needs and their pain points, as well as looking at research to make thermometers better and develop them so that they are better for nurses and the hospital teams.”

“We take this first-hand experience of working with these healthcare challenges to create solutions to deliver on those pain points. The HSE is a very forward-thinking organisation. The HSE is one of those organisations who are looking to the future and looking at the connected future of medical devices, and we want to be part of that.” says Dr Molloy.

Adding to Dr Molloy’s comments,  Professor Martin Curley, HSE Director of Digital Transformation/Maynooth University, at HSE says: “It has been tremendous to partner with TriMedika. The ambition of the HSE is to move Ireland from being a digital health laggard to a European digital leader in the years ahead. To do that, we need to partner with the best and the brightest, both here and abroad.”

“We have an overarching strategy, which we call ‘stay left, shift left’. Stay left is about using technology to keep people well in their home or if you happen to have a chronic condition you can be managed best from home. Shift left is about moving patients as quickly as possible from an acute to a community, then to a home setting. Every time we make these digital interventions, we're trying to achieve the quadruple aim: lower cost, improved quality of care, improved quality of life and improved condition experience. TriMedika delivers on all of these.”

"The TRITEMP™ is a superior thermometer because it is non-contact, thus helping with infection control - very important during the Covid pandemic. It is also more sustainable with no consumables making it about a fifth of the total cost of ownership of conventional thermometers."

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