Alternative weight loss treatments

By Admin
CoolSculpting CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-surgical weight loss treatment that is clinically proven to target problem areas that dieting and ex...


CoolSculpting is a revolutionary non-surgical weight loss treatment that is clinically proven to target problem areas that dieting and exercising may not be able to tackle; love handles, muffin tops, man boobs and bingo wings. Both men and women can benefit from evasive and pain-free CoolScuplting treatments, which are so simple they can be carried out in one to two hours on a walk-in walk-out basis.

CoolScuplting was developed by a group of Harvard scientists and it works by freezing a specific area of fat cells. The temperature at which the area is chilled to damages the fat cells and triggers their natural death, but leaves the rest of the surrounding nerves and tissue unharmed. The body’s metabolic system then removes the fat cells and prevents them from returning in that area.

Face and Body is a non-cosmetic surgical clinic and the first to offer the CoolSculpting procedure in Scotland, UK. According to the clinic, each individual CoolSculpting treatment permanently reduces fat by 20 percent and has a 100 percent success rate. Results start to be visible after receiving the treatment for three weeks and it becomes most noticeable four months in the treatment cycle.

Dr. Victoria Dobbie, the owner of the Face and Body clinic, said: “The results are astonishing. This is a major breakthrough in non-evasive fat reduction treatments. We have been fully booked since we launched the service and the feedback we have had has been incredible.”

The science behind CoolSculpting:

CoolSculpting treatments are so simple they can be done during lunch breaks:

Med Contour

A combined treatment of ultrasound therapy and massage, Med Contour can reportedly result in instant fat loss. Described as a body shaping system as opposed to an answer to weight loss, Med Contour treatments shape and smooth the body to reduce the appearance of cellulite. 

Rather than being targeted at organic body fat which can only be treated with a diet and fitness overhaul, Med Contour procedures focus specifically on fatty tissues. The ultrasound aspect of the therapy encourages fat cell mobility, therefore making the body metabolise, drain and reabsorb excess fluids. The zonal lymphatic massage then drains toxins and excessive fluids from the patient’s body.

Med Contour is currently available in the UK at the Landmark Lifestyle clinic on Harley Street. Warren Vaheeswaran, the Director of UK Operations at Landmark, said about the treatment: “Med Contour is a great body shaping alternative for those who do not want an invasive surgical procedure. It is ideal for the average person who wants to target a specific problem area. My patients have seen excellent results of 2cms to 7cms in just an hour, with longer lasting results after a few treatments.”

“We have treated nearly 1000 people in eight months and we have had phenomenal success. However, we need to emphasis this isn’t a weight loss programme but a fat loss drainage programme,” Vaheeswaran added.

As well as a cellulite and fat reducing treatment, Med Contour has a number of alternative benefits. These include pain relief from muscular aches and spasms, improving blood circulation and reducing post-operative pain associated with treatments such as liposuction.

Med Contour treatments:

Iyashi Dôme

Iyashi Dômes come with an incredible claim; that users can burn up to 600 calories after just one hour. Dubbed as a “new experience in well-being”, Iyashi Dômes are of Japanese descent and have arrived in the UK as a revolutionary fat loss and detox treatment. As part of an Iyashi Dôme treatment, users lie down on a wooden bed surrounded by a carbon dome which uses infrared rays to heat up the body. The heat encourages the body to sweat, seeing users sweat out toxins and break down fat.

In terms of fat and weight loss, sessions in an Iyashi Dôme can help to enhance user’s silhouettes, help them to tone up and reduce visible signs of cellulite. Although the other benefits of Iyashi treatments are not directly linked to weight loss, they include detoxification, rejuvenation and the elimination of toxins, all of which can assist with anti-aging. In just one Iyashi Dôme session, users produce them same amount of sweat as they would during a 20km run and up to 1,200ml of perspiration can be lost.

The Iyashi Dôme has just been launched for the first time in London, at the MyDetoxDiet clinic. To enhance the Iyashi Dôme treatments, the clinic has a developed a range of detox plans and diets which can enhance the results.

Commenting on the services offered at MyDetoxDiet, the co-founders, Ilona Wesle and Susanne Kollner, said: “Our Detox allows users to purge their system through a combination of infrared Dôme sessions and a low fat, salt free diet. The results will speak for themselves; they will no longer feel sluggish, they will be sleeping better, be healthier, lose pounds and inches and finally feel revitalised.” 

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