[INFOGRAPHIC] Why These Health IT Jobs are the Top Earners

A recent survey has revealed that work in health IT results in above-average salaries for many positions in the field, depending on experience, location and gender.
Online jobs search firm HealthITJobs.com confirmed that health IT professionals can earn a top salary, obtain job security and achieve a high level of job satisfaction. In fact, the overall average salary for a health IT professional was $89,879.43, with men earning roughly $17,000 more than women in the industry.
“Unfortunately for women in the field, the gender gap is very much a problem in health IT,” the report stated. “Men in health IT make a significant amount more than women.”
The highest salaries go to those working for consulting companies, according to the survey, with the average salary being $109,715.42.
Health IT professionals in the Mid-Atlantic region were reported to earn the most at $105,923.00 and 80 percent of all health IT professionals are satisfied with their jobs.
Experience plays a large role in determining the amount of salary a health IT professional makes with the survey finding a $35,000-plus salary difference between those with experience and those without.
“The future is looking bright – and lucrative – for those looking to pursue a job in the health IT field,” the survey concluded.
The 2014 HealthITJobs.com survey goes along with other reports of the healthcare industry experiencing a boom, despite widespread unemployment.
According to a report from Brookings Institution, the healthcare industry has added 2.6 million additional positions – a growth rate of 22.7 percent compared to just 2.1 percent for all other sectors.
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