Top 10 Health & Fitness Magazines

By Admin
1. Men’s Health Men’s Health launched in 1987 and since then it has become the world’s largest male mag...

1. Men’s Health

Men’s Health launched in 1987 and since then it has become the world’s largest male magazine brand in the world, with 44 different editions and a circulation of approximately 1.8 million. Not only is it one of the most widely-read health and fitness magazines, but its website is one of the most popular too, receiving on average 38 million page views a month.

Over the years the title has evolved from a health-focused service magazine to a lifestyle publication featuring articles on all aspects of men’s wellbeing; from health, fitness and nutrition, to sex, grooming, fashion and finances. As well as the main magazine, there are also a number of Men’s Health spin-off publications.

Men’s Health was one of the very first consumer magazines to make the foray into the tablet market, by launching its first app; ‘Men’s Health Workouts.’

2. Women’s Health

As the name might suggest, Women’s Health is the sister magazine to Men’s Health and was formed in 2005. The publication has 15 international editions which span 27 countries, and it is seen by approximately 12 million readers each month, making it the fastest-growing international women’s magazine in the world. 

3. Runner’s World

A magazine with a worldwide circulation and 15 international editions, Runner’s World is widely considered to be the global authority on running. Its website is also the internet’s largest running community, and in 2008 it was awarded a National Magazine Award for general excellence online by the American Society of Magazine Editors.

4. Prevention

With a circulation of almost three million, Prevention – a US lifestyle magazine – is one of the most popular magazines in the world. It is one America’s most widely-read consumer magazines and the bulk of articles focus on health, food and nutrition. The website receives on average 24 million page views a month.

5. Fitness

Fitness is published 10 times a year, and is an exercise publication aimed solely at women. Since it was launched in 1992, the magazine has grown and evolved on a huge scale, and today it boasts a circulation of 1.5 million. The main aim of Fitness is to encourage women to be ‘healthy’ rather than ‘skinny’.

6. Slimming World

Slimming World is a UK-based commercial diet plan and its accompanying magazine, which features practical advice and inspiration, has a circulation of over 400,000. With over one million readers it is one of the UK’s most-read slimming titles, available in on the newsstand in shops as well as at Slimming World meetings.

7. Men’s Fitness

Men’s Fitness, which was first launched in 1987, typically has a younger audience than its main competitor; Men’s Health. The magazine prints articles on sports, fitness, sex, and fashion. Each issue features an in-depth interview with a current celebrity, and past cover stars have included Arnold Schwarzenegger, Andy Roddick and Pamela Anderson.

8. Weight Watchers

Considering it is the world’s most popular commercial diet plan, it comes as no surprise that Weight Watcher’s magazine has made an appearance on this list. The monthly publication is designed to give members extra support on their weight loss journey, by featuring tasty ProPoints recipes, useful advice and tips and inspirational member stories.

9. Top Santé

Top Santé is aimed at smart, professional UK women in their late thirties to forties. With a readership of over 170,000, the magazine inspires its readers to live a holistic and healthy lifestyle, while encouraging them to live their life to the max. Health, beauty, fitness and emotional wellbeing its main monthly focuses.

10. Yoga Journal

A magazine dedicated entirely to the practice of yoga, in its 37 years of existence Yoga Journal has amassed a readership of more than one million Americans. The Yoga Journal brand is now much more than a magazine, and includes a content-rich website and a number of yoga DVDs. It also hosts various yoga events throughout the year.

The Healthcare Global magazine is now available on the iPad. Click here to download it.


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