Bayer Consumer Care AG licenses enterprise:inmation through its digital transformation

By Catherine Sturman
Bayer Consumer Care AG, one of the world's leading Consumer Health companies, has signed a global non-expiring licensing agreement to use the “enterpr...

Bayer Consumer Care AG, one of the world's leading Consumer Health companies, has signed a global non-expiring licensing agreement to use the “enterprise:inmation” software of inmation Software GmbH.

The substance of the licensing agreement is unlimited use of the software for establishing a cross-system real-time information infrastructure at all Bayer Consumer Care AG production sites across the globe.

Furthermore, Bayer Consumer Care has become a member of the Product Advisory Board at inmation. This is the platform for inmation users from different industry segments to regularly interact with the software vendor to ensure that future product features are aligned to their future needs.

The Bayer Consumer Health Division continues to push forward with digitalisation at its formulation and packaging production sites. It was essential for the consumer health product supply to obtain a software solution that enables the gathering of process and production data across the globe in a cross-system and component like manner, in real-time and in a model-based system.

In production, the Over the Counter sector resembles the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry more than pharmaceuticals, and this is why Bayer is making strict requirements on standards in automation, rollout speed and system flexibility. Production must be able to clear bottlenecks and respond speedily and flexibly to order changes.

See also

The capability for the fast and easy global rollout of “enterprise:inmation” software is based on two central capabilities. The software is minimally invasive, and can easily integrate with existing systems  such as ERP, MES, BDE, SCADA/HMI, PLS and SPS, and can easily be adapted to current systems. Also, the software pursues a highly scalable approach in which there is complete freedom of choice as to what level and detail systems are integrated into the overall real-time backbone.

The resulting data landscape forms the basis on which information can be scaled and used in a needs and web-based manner in real-time – from corporate management to an individual production line, across locations and with any device. Once the system is installed, fully automated updates of all components can be controlled via central administration without the necessity for exhausting migration projects.

“In enterprise:inmation, we have found exactly the right software for driving forward our Digital@CHPS strategy. It fits to our needs and this is the reason why we are moving straight to the global rollout without any intense piloting. It is fit to legacy, is as fast moving as our business and is able to handle in real-time the global data of our systems and installations with its thousands of assets in a lean and speedy fashion” commented Marcel Staudt, Head of Engineering at Bayer Consumer Health Division.

“In addition to the technical capabilities, with which we are able to satisfy Bayer’s requirements for speed, flexibility and quality, the company was also won over by our smart licensing model. The global collaboration with one of the world’s leading companies in the field of Consumer Health will provide new, strong impetus for our company and product” says Timo Klingenmeier, CEO at inmation Software GmbH, expressing his satisfaction.


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